Synthesis and crystal structure of barium thibororate Ba7(BS3)4S
- Journal
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Vol
- 43
- Page
- 2773-2775
- Year
- 2004-2009
- Link
- 300회 연결
10.1750(15) Å, b = 23.970(4) Å, c = 10.1692(15) Å, β = 90.095(2)°, and Z = 4. The structure consists of
isolated trigonal planar (BS3)3- anions, and isolated S2- anions and Ba2+ cations. The vibrational modes of
the isolated (BS3)3- units were measured from Raman scattering and IR absorption spectra, and the
frequencies agree very well with those found for similar orthothioborate phases.