Waste To Resource 1 페이지 | UNIST YK RESEARCH


Waste To Resource

Seawater to Resource Technology

WTR explanation

Waste To Resource (WTR)

With the growth of the lithium-ion battery market, the battery recycling market is also gaining attention. The increase in battery production will increase the amount of waste batteries, and along with the depletion of precious metals, it will cause environmental problems. Therefore, the importance of battery recycling technology (WTR) that can effectively recover key metals (Li, Ni, Co, Mn, etc.) within the battery is increasing. Current recycling technologies face several problems, including environmental destruction, the risk of fire and explosion, and high processing costs. To solve these issues, research into new environmentally friendly, safe, and cost-effective battery recycling technologies is underway.

WTR Core Technology

HiFlow (High-efficiency, Fast-process, and Low-cost)

The HiFlow technology is a method that immerses and disassembles batteries in an eco-friendly solution instead of using traditional heat treatment and grinding methods, inducing spontaneous chemical discharge to extract lithium more effectively. This technology was developed to address the environmental hazards and low safety issues of traditional methods, and it has the advantages of high efficiency, rapid processing, and low cost. Current research to enhance HiFlow technology includes studies on lithium extraction solutions, electrolyte effects, cathode material recycling, and multi-type battery applications.

Li Harvestring

- Lithium extraction technology is a system that extracts usable resources (Li₂CO₃, LiOH) from waste lithium resources through an electrochemical process. For this purpose, system design, extraction electrode development, and ceramic solid electrolyte research are in progress.